ClimateMitra - An App for helping individuals reduce harm to the environment #Invictus2023


Team Members: Rahul Motwani, Malhar Kajale, Nimish Chidrawar, Mohit Shahdadpuri


To make more people aware of what's upcoming, or to notify environmentalists about various situations, we rely on different sources for different regions, which is a pain. We are thus looking for a one-stop solution that could monitor and share updates about upcoming events. Your solution should be able to handle the data and notify possible harmful changes based on the current situation of a region(s). It must show the causes and effects that lead to the problem, along with data in graphical format that supports your conclusion/analysis. Provide steps to mitigate and prevent the predicted.


  1. Taking input from the user on certain parameters such as energy, waste generated, etc directly or indirectly. Map the resulting amount to the environmental harm it causes.

  2. Comparing the waste generation with the average/safe waste generated and providing suggestions to the user.

  3. Using Chart.js for data visualization to perform graphical analysis of climate, environmental pollution levels, etc.

  4. Displaying news articles about the important environmental events taking place according to relevance and locality.

  5. Building a community of sustainable content creators sharing ways for the betterment of climate with segregated channels topic-wise.

  6. Focusing on recyclability, reusability, and better and sustainable options.

  7. Rewarding users by making them part of elite communities, amazon coupons, goodies, etc.




  1. Regional and global environmental statistics visualization:-

    Visualizing global and region-specific statistics relating to environmental parameters of concern and interest.

  2. Region-specific, relevant as well as globally important news to each user:-

    Users will have access to news at a "ONE-STOP" place rather than trying to search for it from different sources.

  3. User-specific Carbon Emission Calculator:-

    A Carbon emission calculator for every user helps the user realize his/her carbon footprint to suggest ways to reduce it.

  4. Enabling smooth and interactive communication between environment enthusiasts and professional environmentalists via inbuilt social media channels for specific interests.

  5. Making the environment protection journey more tangible by including rewards.

  6. Better alternatives of sustainable products based on user input.


We have hereby implemented a working demo of an app that attempts to not only just create and spread awareness of climate change but suggest measures to help reduce and tackle it on an individual basis. This further strengthens the MOTTO that individual efforts have the potential to drive big changes.

Video drive link: